by basicbruegel | Mar 4, 2020 | |
Nous revenons d’Edmonton où nous exposons EVERGLADES à la galerie CAVA. Ç’a été une très belle expérience. Merci à Ahmed Hassan, Émilien Durand, Marie ainsi qu’à Doris Charest. Merci aussi à Gerry Straathof pour son expertise avec le Bidule. Nous remercions aussi le Conseil des arts du Canada et Arts NB pour leur soutien. L’exposition est en montre jusqu’au 10 avril 2020. We just came back from Edmonton where we are exhibiting EVERGLADES at the Galerie CAVA. It was a wonderful experience. Thanks to Ahmed Hassan, Émilien Durand, Marie, and Doris Charest. Thanks also to Gerry Straathof for his expertise with the Bidule. We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts and Arts NB. Everglades is on display until April 10, 2020¬ Entrevue radio à l’émission Culture et confiture avec Mireille Langlois L’installation Everglades de Valerie LeBlanc et Daniel H. Dugas Publié le 29 février 2020Rattrapage du samedi 29 février...
by basicbruegel | Jun 30, 2018 | |
2 AOÛT 2018 H (JOUR ENTIER) – 5 AOÛT 2018 H (JOUR ENTIER) Mur extérieur de la Galerie d’art Bernard-JeanCentre culturel de Caraquet Exposition éphémère de vidéopoèmes par Daniel H. Dugas et Valérie LeBlanc.Du 2 au 5 août seulement, projection en continu des vidéopoèmes du projet multimédia Everglades, qui allie essai poétique, vidéopoésie et marches sonores. Le projet invite à une prise de conscience du passage de l’être humain dans la biosphère et de ses conséquences, des traces qu’il y dépose; il propose une ré exion sensible et troublante sur la communion avec l’environnement et les forces de la nature. APÉRO-POÉSIE AVEC LES ÉDITIONS PRISE DE PAROLE2 AOÛT 2018 – 17 H 00 – 18 H 00Foyer du Centre culturel de Caraquet Si elles se disent “ancrées dans le Nouvel-Ontario”, les éditions Prise de parole ne s’empêchent pourtant pas de larguer les amarres pour une virée en Acadie. Question de vous mettre en appétit pour le Festival qui prend son élan, c’est le moment idéal d’aller sonder la zone de rencontre entre l’Acadie et l’Ontario francophone. Avec lectures des poètes Sylvie Bérard et Thierry Dimanche, qui seront intercallées de vidéopoèmes de Daniel H. Dugas et Valérie LeBlanc....
by basicbruegel | Sep 29, 2017 | |
Airie Nest Exhibition: About Florida Bay October 2017 – January 2018 We (Valerie LeBlanc and Daniel H. Dugas) are very happy that three of our Flow: Big Waters videos will be shown in the About Florida Bay exhibition. The Florida Bay, located between the Everglades National Park and the Florida Keys, has undergone a series of ecological changes that have severely altered its natural ecosystem and resulted in a critical loss of native wildlife. This exhibition features select works which address the significance of this contested area and its precarious future, while recapturing its splendid past. AIRIE Fellows featured include Mark Dion, Valerie LeBlanc & Daniel H Dugas, Valerie George, Nick Gilmore, Jason Hedges and Magnus Sodamin....
by basicbruegel | Nov 5, 2016 | |
Review | Valerie LeBlancReview | Daniel H. Dugas Review by Valerie LeBlanc (Nov 1, 2016) We were on one of two airplanes to arrive in Nairobi at around 9 p.m. Everyone was funneled into a mass waiting area that eventually led to cordoned off lines and Customs Clerks. There was no clear indication of which line you should get into but it was not a problem. Outside of the Diplomatic queue, everyone was expected to find her / his way to any desk. There, each person had to stand in front of a camera, some were totally fingerprinted, some were partially fingerprinted, and I was not printed at all. Outside of the building, we looked for the person who was sent to meet us but saw no one. Someone suggested that we look around the corner where they said the drivers must wait. Sure enough, in the darkness of the parking lot, there were more than a hundred persons lined up along a sidewalk. They were holding small signs, waiting quietly and saying nothing. To maintain order, this was what the authorities permitted. It was a strange, unexpected and welcoming sight. Daniel and I passed through twice before seeing our names on a paper held up by one of the Kisii University Students sent to fetch us. We had already been travelling over thirty hours when the plane landed. Tired and sweating, I was working to decipher this late night welcome to Kenya. About twenty students had come along to greet the international arrivals. We joined the rest of the group on the sidewalk of the pick-up area to...
by basicbruegel | Aug 9, 2016 | |
We have been invited to participate in the Kistrech Poetry Festival 2016 in Kissi, Kenya, October 3 – 8, 2016. We will also present a paper entitled Flow: Big Waters at Kisii University. We would like to thank the Canada Council for the Arts and the New Brunswick Arts Board for their assistance. Kistrech Poetry Festival Welcome to the 4th edition of Kistrech Poetry Festival in Kenya. This year’s event is seen to be unique since it will run alongside Kisii University Cultural Week. The venue, being at the University ground, will accord visiting poets an opportunity to interact and share with University student-poets, upcoming writers and lecturers....